Shopify Installation: Product Reviews

Learn how to install & configure RaveCapture for your Shopify store.

Updated over a week ago

This article will help you install RaveCapture on your Shopify Store to collect & display Product Reviews, Company Reviews and Experience Surveys.

If you get stuck at any point, feel free to jump on Live Chat and one of our team members will provide guidance in getting the code installed. You can also email us at:

The process of installing RaveCapture on Shopify is divided into 3 required parts, and should take less than 30 minutes (depending on your theme):

  1. Connect your store to RaveCapture (our team will complete it)

  2. Add RaveCapture's Javascript

  3. Add Review Widget

  4. Optional: Add In-line Stars to the Product page

  5. Optional: Add In-line Stars to the Category page

  6. Optional: Import Reviews from Shopify

Step 1: Connecting your store to RaveCapture

  1. Provide us with your store's URL.

  2. Accept RaveCapture's request for collaborator access.

  3. Be sure to also allow Custom Apps. More information and a video can be found here.

**Note: If you would prefer your team to complete Step 1, a step-by-step guide can be found here.

Step 2: Add the RaveCapture Javascript file

  1. In your TrustSpot account, click Site Integrations from the left sidebar then Shopify or click here.

Click Copy under Step 2: Add the RaveCapture Javascript to copy the RaveCapture Javascript code.

2. Open your Shopify admin

3. Click Online Store then Themes

4. Click the Actions button for your Current theme, and then click Edit Code.

5. Under Layout, click the file called theme.liquid

6. Add RaveCapture Javascript code you copied and paste directly under <head>.

8. Click Save on the top right

Step 3: Add the Review Widget

1. In your RaveCapture account, click Site Integrations from the left sidebar then Shopify or click here.

Click Copy under Step 3: Add the Review Widget to copy the RaveCapture Javascript code.

2. Similar to how we edited the last file, we're going to edit another file. Under Templates, select product.liquid.

Check the first few lines of the file, if you see this at the beginning:

{% comment %}   The contents of the product.liquid template can be found in /sections/product-template.liquid {% endcomment %}

That means we need to edit a different file. Navigate to the described file under: /sections/product-template.liquid or main-product.liquid

Once you are in the correct file, scroll down to the bottom and paste the code we copied above.

3. Click Save

The review widget should now appear at the end of individual product pages.

[Optional] Step 4: Add star rating on Product Pages

The following steps will add inline star ratings at the top of individual product pages (usually under the product title).

1. In your RaveCapture account, click Site Integrations from the left sidebar then Shopify or click here.

Click Copy under Step 4: Add the Inline Stars to the Product Page to copy the RaveCapture Javascript code.

2. Just like the previous steps, we're going to edit a file. Open the product.liquid file in Shopify.

Note: If your product.liquid file has a comment section at the top stating: "The contents of the product.liquid template can be found in /sections/product-template.liquid"... follow those instructions and edit that file instead.

3. Paste the code you copied above wherever you want the stars to appear. Many stores prefer to place this directly under the line where {{product.title}} appears, which will place the stars under the product title. 

Feel free to move this line around until you like the placement. Different themes have a wide variety of layouts and styles, so it may take a few tries to get it to where you like it.

[Optional] Step 5: Add star rating on Category Pages

The following steps will add inline star ratings to product category pages on Shopify.

1. In your RaveCapture account, click Site Integrations from the left sidebar then Shopify or click here.

Click Copy under Step 5: Add the Inline Stars to Category Page to copy the RaveCapture Javascript code.

2. In your Shopify theme file editor (as used previous to add code), locate the file product-loop.liquid, product-card-grid.liquid, or product-grid-item.liquid (for older templates)

Note: The file controlling collection pages is different on each theme: product-loop.liquid is the default.

Consult with your designer if you don't have a file called product loop or product grid, so that they can help find the right template.

3. Browse the file and look for this line: {{ product.title }}

If you don't find this exact line, try to find text containing "title".

4. Paste the code yo copied above directly below {{ product.title }}.

Your product category pages should now show review stars inline under the product name. Only products that have reviews will show the stars by default.

Import Reviews from Shopify

Switching to a new review provider does not have to be a daunting process, TrustSpot ensures the process is simple and easy. We can easily import in all of your existing product reviews from Shopify:

  1. Open your Shopify admin

  2. Click Apps

  3. Click on Product Reviews

  4. Click on Settings > Export

  5. Save the Exported file

  6. Follow our Import Guide to import reviews into RaveCapture

Note:  Please ensure the Shopify Product ID is mentioned in the file. We use this ID Number to successfully tie a review to a specific product. 

Have a question or need support on this integration? 

Please contact our support team via our live chat or

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